Crackling Boards
In WEAVING INFRASTRUCTURES, choreographer Sara Lanner examines how spaces and infrastructures shape, empower or restrict us. Based on their very different personal backgrounds, three performers explore the question of where they encounter infrastructures as spaces of support, protection or power and how they manifest themselves in their personalities. They react to contemporary social and ecological crises and shed light on questions of care and social justice. Infrastructures can be designed in so many different ways: they favour or prevent interaction or access to resources. They regulate the lives of individuals, groups, milieus and nations. They shape their rituals, norms or laws, create hierarchies and mechanisms of inclusion and exclusion. In WEAVING INFRASTRUCTURES, three women from different backgrounds break open spaces, transform places, structures and thus their stories into new spaces and emotional landscapes, dancing loudly or whispering quietly. The three performers search for social justice in public, private and commercial spaces. They make invisible processes visible and show how the power of infrastructures enables different living environments and inscribes itself physically. What happens when private infrastructure becomes political? When, as in Elon Musk's Starlink project, satellites visibly orbit the earth in the starry sky? The three women take the audience into their biographical past, travelling into the space of the future - not least to pose the question of how we can undermine social conventions and their power structures and thus create change. After all, infrastructure always raises the question of resources and global economies. How do we organise our living space? Who or what is favoured by it? How can we achieve the ideal world we have only dreamed of so far? Artistic director: Sara Lanner Choreography, performance: Andrea Gunlaugsdóttir, Sara Lanner, Hyeji Nam Lighting design: Sveta Schwin Sound: Peter Plos Set, objects: Larry Meyer, Sara Lanner Feedback: Karin Reisinger, Chris Standfest Costume design Jo Sperl Press work: Simon Hajós Production partner: in crime, Julia Neuwirth